Favoite hiking area in Grand Teton Park, Wyoming

Bible Teaching

Mission Work

Day off at Chivunde Point, Zomba Mountain, Malawi


Faith is more than religion. It's about a relationship between a person and God. Jesus said eternal Life is to know God and Jesus Christ whom God sent (John 17). God sent his Son to earth  to reconcile the lost people of earth to himself. Any good thing can be distorted for selfish or hateful purposes. Religious division and hypocrisy have given many a false view of Jesus. But there is no one like the real Jesus. He is wonderful, righteous, holy, good and faithful, full of the grace and truth of his Father in heaven.  Through Jesus we know what God is like. No one loves us or understands our needs like Jesus does. No matter how badly we have failed, Jesus can, and wants to, redeem and transform us. He gives us life beyond this life. Ruth and I live to help others know Jesus and the light and hope he can give to those who entrust their lives to him. We want others to be blessed as we have been.

G.B. and Ruth
